

CMTrading offers the top-performing stocks listed across the largest U.S and other global exchanges. Please refer below for all the stocks currently available in our offering as well as the default contract size and trading hours.  

InstrumentMT4 DecriptionMarketMin. Price FluctuationLot size LeverageSwap Long (by money)Swap short (by money)Trading hours (GMT +3)
Instrument:3MMT4 Decription:3MMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-37Swap short (by money):-37Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:ABNBMT4 Decription:AirBnBMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-38Swap short (by money):-38Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:ADBEMT4 Decription:AdobeMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-141Swap short (by money):-141Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:ALCOAMT4 Decription:AlcoaMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:2000Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-170Swap short (by money):-170Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:ALIBABAMT4 Decription:AlibabaMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-28Swap short (by money):-28Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:ALLIANZMT4 Decription:Allianz AGMarket:Shares - DEMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-62Swap short (by money):-62Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon -Fri 10:00-14:00 & 14:02 -18:30
Instrument:AMAZONMT4 Decription:AmazonMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-63Swap short (by money):-63Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:AMDMT4 Decription:Advanced Micro DevicesMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:500Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-180Swap short (by money):-180Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:AMGENMT4 Decription:AmgenMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-70Swap short (by money):-70Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:APPLEMT4 Decription:AppleMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-60Swap short (by money):-60Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:AXPMT4 Decription:American ExpressMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-55Swap short (by money):-55Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:BAIDUMT4 Decription:BaiduMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-26Swap short (by money):-26Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:BAYERMT4 Decription:Bayer AGMarket:Shares - DEMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon -Fri 10:00-14:00 & 14:02 -18:30
Instrument:BERKBMT4 Decription:Berkshire HathawaMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-45.738Swap short (by money):-42.2114Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:BIIBMT4 Decription:BiogenMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:1Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:BIONTECHMT4 Decription:Biontech stock Market:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:5:01Swap Long (by money):-23Swap short (by money):-23Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:BKNGMT4 Decription:Booking HoldingsMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-935Swap short (by money):-935Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:BLKMT4 Decription:BlackRockMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:2000 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-3750Swap short (by money):-3750Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:BMWMT4 Decription:Bayerische Motoren Werke AGMarket:Shares - DEMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-26Swap short (by money):-26Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon -Fri 10:00-14:00 & 14:02 -18:30
Instrument:BOAMT4 Decription:Bank of AmericaMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:2000 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-184Swap short (by money):-184Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:BOEINGMT4 Decription:BoeingMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:250 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-108Swap short (by money):-108Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:BYNDMT4 Decription:Beyond MeatMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-15.5564Swap short (by money):-15.5564Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:CATERMT4 Decription:CaterMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-124Swap short (by money):-124Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:CGCMT4 Decription:Canopy Growth CorporationMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:500Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-14Swap short (by money):-14Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:CHEVRONMT4 Decription:Chevron CorporationMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-40Swap short (by money):-40Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:CISCOMT4 Decription:CiscoMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:1000Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-120Swap short (by money):-120Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:CITIMT4 Decription:CitigroupMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-15Swap short (by money):-15Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:COCA-COLAMT4 Decription:Coca-ColaMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:250 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-39Swap short (by money):-39Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:COINBASEMT4 Decription:Coinbase Global IncMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:250 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-33.502Swap short (by money):-30.6534Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:CRONMT4 Decription:Cronos GroupMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:500Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-9.84Swap short (by money):-11.26Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:DALMT4 Decription:Delta Air LinesMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:DBKMT4 Decription:Deutsche Bank AGMarket:Shares - DEMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-5Swap short (by money):-5Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon -Fri 10:00-14:00 & 14:02 -18:30
Instrument:DBXMT4 Decription:DropboxMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-7Swap short (by money):-7Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:DELLMT4 Decription:Dell TechnologiesMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-22Swap short (by money):-22Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:DISNEYMT4 Decription:DisneyMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:500Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:DTEMT4 Decription:Deutsche TelekomMarket:Shares - DEMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon -Fri 10:00-14:00 & 14:02 -18:30
Instrument:EAMT4 Decription:Electronic ArtsMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-32Swap short (by money):-32Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:EBAYMT4 Decription:eBayMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:500Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-65Swap short (by money):-65Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:ENR.DEMT4 Decription:Siemens Energy AGMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon 10:00- Fri 18:30
Instrument:EXPEMT4 Decription:ExpediaMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:10Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:EXXMMT4 Decription:Exxon Mobil CorporationMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-44Swap short (by money):-44Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:FACEBOOKMT4 Decription:FacebookMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:500Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-549Swap short (by money):-549Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:FDXMT4 Decription:FedexMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-60Swap short (by money):-60Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:FORDMT4 Decription:Ford MTR CoMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:2000 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-60Swap short (by money):-60Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:GOOGLEMT4 Decription:GoogleMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:25 Leverage:20:1Swap Long (by money):-20Swap short (by money):-20Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:GPROMT4 Decription:GoProMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:250 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:GSMT4 Decription:Goldman SachsMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-107Swap short (by money):-107Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:HLFMT4 Decription:Herbal LifeMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:HOODMT4 Decription:Robinhood Markets IncMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:1000Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:HPACKMT4 Decription:Hewlett-PackardMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:1000Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-69Swap short (by money):-69Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:IBMMT4 Decription:IBMMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-41Swap short (by money):-41Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:INTELMT4 Decription:Intel CorporationMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:1000 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-76Swap short (by money):-76Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:JPMMT4 Decription:JPMorgan Chase & CoMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-448Swap short (by money):-449Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:LYFTMT4 Decription:LyftMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:500 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-20Swap short (by money):-20Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:MCARDMT4 Decription:MasterCardMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-166Swap short (by money):-166Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:MCDONMT4 Decription:McDonald'sMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100 Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-70Swap short (by money):-70Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:MCOMT4 Decription:Moody's CorpMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-93Swap short (by money):-93Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:MERCEDESMT4 Decription:Mercedes-Benz Group AGMarket:Shares - DEMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-19Swap short (by money):-19Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon -Fri 10:00-14:00 & 14:02 -18:30
Instrument:METMT4 Decription:MetlifeMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-18Swap short (by money):-18Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:MSFTMT4 Decription:MicrosoftMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:500Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-500Swap short (by money):-500Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:NETFLIXMT4 Decription:NetflixMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-145Swap short (by money):-145Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:NIKEMT4 Decription:NikeMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-34Swap short (by money):-34Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:NVIDIAMT4 Decription:NvidiaMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:500Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-800Swap short (by money):-800Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:ORCLMT4 Decription:OracleMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-28Swap short (by money):-28Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:PAYPALMT4 Decription:PayPalMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-17Swap short (by money):-17Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:PFIZERMT4 Decription:PfizerMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:1000Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-68Swap short (by money):-68Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:PORSCHEMT4 Decription:Porsche Automobil Holding SEMarket:Shares - DEMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-20Swap short (by money):-20Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon -Fri 10:00-14:00 & 14:02 -18:30
Instrument:SAPMT4 Decription:SAP AGMarket:Shares - DEMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-43Swap short (by money):-43Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon -Fri 10:00-14:00 & 14:02 -18:30
Instrument:SHOPMT4 Decription:ShopifyMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-21Swap short (by money):-21Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:STARBUCKSMT4 Decription:StarbucksMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-22Swap short (by money):-22Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:TSLAMT4 Decription:Tesla MotorsMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:2:01Swap Long (by money):-60Swap short (by money):-60Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:UBERMT4 Decription:Uber TechnologiesMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:1000Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-170Swap short (by money):-170Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:VISAMT4 Decription:VisaMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-100Swap short (by money):-100Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:VOD-USMT4 Decription:Vodafone Group PlcMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:150Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-10Swap short (by money):-10Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59
Instrument:VWMT4 Decription:Volkswagen AGMarket:Shares - DEMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-32Swap short (by money):-32Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon -Fri 10:00-14:00 & 14:02 -18:30
Instrument:WFCMT4 Decription:Wells Fargo & CoMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-13Swap short (by money):-13Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:30- 23:00
Instrument:WMARTMT4 Decription:WalmartMarket:Shares - USMin. Price Fluctuation:0,01Lot size:100Leverage:10:1Swap Long (by money):-15Swap short (by money):-15Trading hours (GMT +3):Mon-Fri 16:31- 22:59


Equities, or shares and stocks as they are more known, are units of ownership in a publicly listed company.

Traditional stock traders can buy the stocks of well-performing companies, which tend to appreciate over time, in order to make a profit when they sell their stocks at a higher price in the future.

However, trading equities or stocks through CFDs (Contracts for Difference) provides investors with easier access to stock trading with lower entry requirements as well as lower trading costs and also offers the capability to sell a stock that isn’t performing well and therefore profit from the downward movement.

stock trading advantages

  • Trade the best-performing stocks around the world
  • Low barrier of entry compared to a traditional stock exchange
  • Buy or sell in order to profit regardless of market direction

What affects the value of stocks?

As is the case with all financial markets, stock prices heavily rely on investor demand. If there are more buyers of a stock compared to sellers then the high competition will push prices upward. Simply put, if a stock is in high demand, its price tends to skyrocket.  

Therefore, a proven method in predicting changes in stock prices is analysis of a company’s financials as well as monitoring geopolitical developments that may interfere with a company’s operations.

It all comes down to how investors perceive the company through its published financial records and surrounding political climate. Market sentiment can easily change depending on the news as positive outlook can easily provide an upswing in prices while negative news can affect expectations causing investor confidence in the stock to diminish.

Technical analysis of the historical price data is highly popular in stock trading as well, but traders aiming for consistent results are advised to utilize both fundamental and technical analysis in order to confirm their trading ideas before entering the market. 


Instrument– The FX currency pair or underlying asset of the CFD product to be traded.

Country– The country that the equity or bond is based in.

Standard Contract size– The lot size traded on each platform (Note: CMTrading in MT4 represents the standard lot size).

Standard Spread– The difference between the BID & the ASK price quote for each instrument under normal market conditions.

Margin Per Lot– The required margin to open a single lot of each instrument (Note: It is shown in notional terms).

Overnight Interest Sell/Buy– The overnight interest debited/credited in daily % terms for each instrument.

Trading Hours– The time that trading is available for the specified instrument.

Exchange– The exchange of the underlying asset.

Risk Warning:
Trading CFD’s on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors.

The Individual Equities Trading Conditions display the ‘Spread Over Market’ for Individual Equity Instruments unless otherwise stated. The ‘Spread Over Market’ is the Mark-up CMTrading adds to the Current Market Spread.

Spread Cost Formula: Spread x Trade Size = Spread Charge in Currency Instrument is denominated in.


For a trade of 1 APPLE share, with a Spread of 12 pips (0.12), the calculation is as follows:

0.12 X 1 = $0.12*

CMTrading are compensated through the Bid-Ask spread, except when otherwise stated.

CMTrading do not charge commissions on any trade.

All Instruments are traded on Margin allowing you to Leverage your positions. The Individual Equities Trading Conditions display Margin Amounts as a Percentage (%).

Percentage Margin Formula: Position Size x Current Price x Margin (%) = Margin Required*

*Margin Required is calculated in the Currency the Instrument is Denominated in.

CMTrading may double margin requirements on specific stocks prior to earnings release. This is a preventative measure to avoid clients with large exposures in the said equity, falling into negative equity.


For a trade of 1 APPLE share with a Market Price of $500 and a Margin Requirement of 5.00%, the calculation is as follows:

Percentage Margin Requirement: 1 x 500 x 0.05 = $25.00*

The Individual Equities Trading Conditions display the Over-Night Interest Rates Charged/Paid on a daily basis for holding a position open past the End of Day time. These are displayed in the “Overnight Interest – Buy” and “Overnight Interest – Sell” columns. End of Day is 22:00 GMT except during Daylight Savings when it changes to 21:00 GMT. 

You can use the following formula to calculate your Daily Overnight Interest amount: 

Swap calculation = No Of nights * Swap (buy or sell) *No of Lots 



For a 1 lot APPLE trade, with a Daily Swap Buy Rate of -20.34 and subject to charge for 1 day the calculation is as follows: 

SWAP = 1x-20.34×1= -20.34 USD 


  • Overnight Interest Charged/Paid is calculated in the Currency the Instrument is Denominated in. 



Positions that are held open over Wednesday night will incur a triple swap charge. This is to account for the settlement of trades over the weekend, where no swap rates are charged since the market is closed. 

You can use the following formula to calculate your Volume:                                 

Number of lots * Contract Size* Open Price                     

E.G. For Amazon                            

2 * 150 * 95.84 = 28,752 USD                   

E.G. For Apple                 

2 * 100 * 134.93= 26,986 USD                  

Did you know…?

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Nasdaq (NASDAQ) are two of the largest stock exchanges in the world. In fact, the U.S stock market represents almost half of the world’s stock trading volume with companies such as Facebook, Google, Amazon and Tesla.

The U.S stock market has been on an overall bull run for more than 11 years reporting unprecedented gains, however, the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 caused the largest stock market crash in history. The Dow Jones, a major benchmark of the strength of the stock market in the U.S has reported a 20% drop as most companies suffered from the economic downfall.  

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